1. Mecha refitting: It is possible for you to not only get the blueprints of as many as 25 types of mecha chariots free with the increase of tech levels, but also refit every chariot as you wish. You can create unique mecha chariots with over 100 accessories provided. 2. Multi-player battlefield: It enables you to drive chariots, launch attacks and occupy planets in person. The planet battlefield of real-time strategy type with intelligent locking and attack is extremely easy to play. 3. Legion & legion war: Target planets can be attacked and occupied by legions composed of settlers. You as well can be one of them to engage in the fights for resources to make a contribution to your legion and get resource rewards.
1. Splendid and dazzling in color and style. 2. Diverse and easy to play. 3. Offline upgrade: With complete online multi-task upgrade and manufacturing system, it well satisfies online base construction demand and suits casual gamers.
For players eager for participating in fierce battle, Space Settlers would be a prime choice.
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